Monday, January 2, 2012

My Online CS Club for Girls Proposal

Computer Science (CS) - not computer literacy - underlies most innovation today, from biotechnology to cinematography to national security. Yet our school requires only that students use computers. We should prepare students to innovate and create the new technologies that drive local and national economies. Our girls are missing out on computing education in school and if we don’t do something they will continue to be under-represented in the national and international computing workforce. Because of lack of time within the already full school schedule I propose to create an online Computer Science Club where interested students can learn more about this field of knowledge and obtain the necessary skills to pursue a career in technology. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that IT jobs will be among the fastest-growing and highest-paying over the next decade. The jobs in greatest demand will require a computing degree. Please read this document where I explain in detail what I wish to accomplish by creating this online CS club for our students.