Sunday, January 30, 2011

Evaluating learning materials in MERLOT

Learning Material: Active Learning with PowerPoint

Quality of Content

This is a very well presented and organized webpage. Its contents do present valid concepts, models and skills for our school staff. PowerPoint is still a very popular teaching tool or resource among my teachers so the materials are educationally significant to my work as technology coordinator. I think this site can help us improve the quality of our PowerPoint presentations.

Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Tool

It has the potential to be a very effective resource for my teachers. It could be used at different stages of the learning cycle. It explains the instruction problems caused by poor use of PowerPoint presentations. It also demonstrates how well designed slides can improve student participation in class. Teachers can apply the sites guidelines to create better PowerPoint presentations for class.

As the introduction to this tutorial says: "Despite the fact that so much has been written about PowerPoint's weaknesses, instructors still feel compelled to adapt PowerPoint to the classroom. This tutorial is designed to help you capitalize on those aspects of PowerPoint that lend themselves best to engaging students' interests." I find this to be very true, PowerPoint is one of the most used instructional resources in classrooms, but not many know how to get better learning results with it.

I like that this learning material can be used in a variety of ways to achieve teaching and learning goals. Every teacher can benefit from this website. If you use PowerPoint, you should take a look at this tutorial.

Ease of Use

It is very easy to use. You can read a clear explanation of how to use this tutorial on the home page. The menus and general layout of the website are very clean and straight forward.


Edtrekkie said...

This looks like a great resource Angelica. Thanks! I'll check it out. You've done a nice job with your review of the resource.

Miztech said...

Good examples of how to effectively use PowerPoint are really necessary. Too many professors/teachers fill up all the space on a slide because they can. I will be taking a closer look a this learning object.