Sunday, April 17, 2011

GLP Part B - Storyboard and Script

The second part of our Group Leadership Project consisted in creating a storyboard and script for our 10 minute tutorial video about Google Apps Script.

We decided to create a Google Site for this:

Group #3 Storyboard & Script

Each of us worked on different parts of the storyboard and of the script. You can see a published document of the script by clicking here. Alex focused more on the theoretical part of the tool and I worked more on the practical examples. At the end of the video we will both explain how to create a simple script. Parts of the video will display slides of a PowerPoint Presentation that we will design, this will be mostly in parts 1 to 4 of the storyboard. And for parts 5 and 6 we will use Jing or Screenflow to record our screen while we use the different features of the tool.

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