Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Personal Learning Reflection

This is my last week as a CEP-810 student at MSU. Time does fly when you're having fun! I've learned a lot in this course. It has opened my mind to new ideas and projects for integrating technology in the classroom. Now that I've reached the end of this course, I will answer the next questions as part of my Personal Learning Reflection:

What are some things that you have learned about effective teaching strategies when integrating technology?

As Technology Coordinator, I now feel more confident of how to advise and guide my teachers on integrating technology. I learned about the TPACK model which I think is a great resource that describes the essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their classroom. It helped me acquire a better understanding of the complex and multifaceted relationship between my technology knowledge and the content and pedagogy knowledge that my teachers have. "True technology integration is understanding and negotiating the relationships between these three components of knowledge. A teacher capable of negotiating these relationships represents a form of expertise different from, and greater than, the knowledge of a disciplinary expert (say a mathematician or a historian), a technology expert (a computer scientist) and a pedagogical expert (an experienced educator)." (

I also revisited the ISTE NETS for students and teachers, and learned more about XXI Century Skills.  I still discover new things every time on how to apply them in my work. These standards and skills are so widely adopted and recognized around the world, they're a great road map for the future of education. They address learning and teaching across entire educational systems and at all student levels. I don't think I'll ever stop learning of how to improve their implementation in schools.

I've learned about Personal Learning Networks and started my own. This is something that I will continue to work on. I'm really happy with all the new ideas and tools that this new network has provided me. There is so much information out there! My RSS Reader and Twitter account are now an essential part of my PLN.

I now have the experience of creating a SIG. I really enjoyed working with my group on this project. You can learn so much collaborating with other talented and smart people. It's wonderful making friends while you learn new things.

How did integrating the Internet help you think about and evaluate uses of technology?

I really liked using a variety of Web 2.0 tools. I didn't realize how many were available! Cloud computing has really taken off... I just can't wait for next year's school year to start and try out all these Web applications. I'm thankful that I got to see how it would be from a student's point of view. My teachers gave me a good example of how to integrate the Internet in different types of lessons. All the materials and activities in the course served as a model to follow. There is no excuse for not using the Internet in the classroom if you have access to it.

Which of the assignments that you turned in do you feel really exemplifies good teaching with technology and why?

The PLN visualization was one of my favorites because I got to be creative and had fun working on the assignment. I was also impressed with my classmates' projects! They used a variety of tools that I could later use in other assignments.

The SIG Project was very challenging. It was my first academic experience working on a collaborative project using Web 2.0 tools with people that I've just met and are miles away. We got to use many methods of communication e-mail, Skype, forums and instant messaging. Writing the proposal and creating the presentation required the participation of all the team members. I'm very happy with the end result and I know that it's possible to achieve great things together regardless of the distance and different cultural backgrounds.

How have you met your goals established in your Personal Growth Plan?

My main goal in my Personal Growth Plan was to gain a better understanding of how I could use technology creatively and efficiently in a learning environment. How could I translate my technology knowledge for teaching or learning purposes. I also wanted to acquire better leadership skills in educational technology. I think that this course has been the first step for reaching my goals. All the lessons or sessions have made me more confident with the decisions I'm making as Technology Coordinator. I feel I can be a better guide to my teachers when integrating technology in their teaching. The course has provided me with many valuable resources and tools that I can share with the school's staff.

Do you have any new goals? What are your plans for reaching your new goals and your long-term goals after this course is over?

Yes, I have many new goals!  I want to learn more about TPACK and share the model to all the schools. I also want to plan a SIGs project for all the schools. I believe that by creating these groups teachers will learn new teaching techniques more effectively and they will find the support that they need from other colleagues that are interested in the same subjects. I want to work on Mobile Learning, it's the future and as I read in one the presentations from the course that it's more likely for a student to have a cellphone than a book... what are they doing with their cellphones? Why not teach them how to use them for good instead of making it prohibited to bring them at school... I also want to encourage the use of cloud computing, the schools would save a lot in costs and students and teachers would benefit.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Creative Commons Rocks

Photo Attribution: Original Image "Web 2.0" by Dion Hinchcliffe
Released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License

I located the above Web 2.0 diagram searching in the Creative Commons Website. I think it explains very well the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0; I would definitely use it as a visual resource for my tech-workshops so teachers and students can understand the concept better.

Next you will find one of my photos of Lake Michigan that I took on my last visit. It was very beautiful summer day of 2007!

Photo Attribution: Original Image "Lake Michigan" by Angelica Rocha
Released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License

Saturday, October 23, 2010

To the beat of my learning style

I've recently encountered this quote on a blog post:

“In times of change the learners will inherit the earth, while the knowers will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer

So I most certainly want to be a learner, and a good one for that matter! In order to achieve this, I have to ask myself: what is my learning style? Knowing and understanding the answer is the first step to becoming a better learner.

There are many ways to define one’s learning style. If you look at it from a physical perspective, I can choose from visual, auditory and kinesthetic. This was difficult to choose, since I know I’ve used all of them at some point. After some minutes of reflection I believe I’m mostly a visual learner. It’s very easy for me to remember something I have seen and if you show me a video or an animation I can understand concepts much more easily.

Searching on the Web, I found a free Learning Styles Questionnare by Dr. Richard Felder of NC State University.

If your scores are between 1-3, it means that you are fairly well balanced on the two dimensions of that scale. So in my case when it comes to being active or reflective, it really doesn't matter, because I can learn well with both styles. The same goes for being sensing or intuitive.

If your scores are between 5-7, you have a moderate preference for one dimension of the scale and will learn more easily in a teaching environment which favors that dimension. From the results, I can clearly see that I'm a visual and global learner.

I didn't get any scores between 9-11, but if I did, it would mean that I had a very strong preference for one dimension of the scale. And I may have real difficulty learning in an environment which does not support that preference.

How does knowing this help?

Now I know that in some aspects I'm really quite balanced, and it won't be difficult for me to adjust to different teaching methods. I can also let my teachers know that I have a moderate preference for visual and global styles of instruction. If I don’t understand something, I can ask for help with a diagram or chart that shows me the big picture.

We can't teach each lesson focusing on every learning style that we have in the classroom. What should be our focus instead?

I think most students have balanced or moderate learning style preferences. As teachers we should try to know our students as best we can and plan classes that favor different learning styles. If a student is having a strong difficulty with our class, we should try to identify the dominant learning preference of that student, and plan a specific activity for that learning style. We can’t plan all of our class around one student, but we can create working groups and teams that complement each other. We should also let our students know and understand their learning style. By doing this, they become aware and responsible for their own learning. Now they can seek out resources that will help them learn more efficiently.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

RSS Reader Reflections - 2nd Movement

After having my Google Reader account for about three weeks and checking it almost every day, I can honestly say that it has helped me keeping up with new tools and issues regarding educational technology. I have now added two new feeds by CILC, both regarding content and professional development providers using VC technology.

Before adding any more feeds, I am now analyzing if they will be really helpful. I don’t want to have so much content, that it will be overwhelming and I’ll never get to read it all. The amount of new items has been declining from since I first added my feeds. So I will surely add some more if I find them to be good resources.Some of the new tools that I’ve learned about and I’m excited to try are: 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I think the Google team should improve their sharing methods for their RSS reader. What they have now is ok, but they could do better. In the meantime I will keep checking my reader frequently and sharing interesting posts on Buzz.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The PC Maintenance and Security Blues

If you ask anybody in the technology department, the least fun job for us is keeping track of the maintenance and security of all the PCs in the school. Installing and trying out new software and hardware is exciting! Scanning lots of PCs for viruses and spyware, not so much... I believe that all of us would benefit if everyone in our staff would follow some simple precaution rules. The videos for me were a great tool for getting ideas on how I can explain to others the different methods for keeping the PCs running smoothly.

This is my review of some of the videos that I saw at the Atomic Learning PC Maintenance and Security section:

Which tutorial did I choose?

  • Understanding how malware spreads
  • Showing the results of bad security and careless computing
  • Using Windows Cleanup!
  • Following a PC maintenance checklist

What was one thing I learned that I will definitely be sharing with others?

I chose the videos that I thought would be most useful if I wanted to talk to teachers and students about PC maintenance and security. I didn’t know about the software Windows Cleanup! I think it’s great, saves you a lot of time if you wanted to do all those tasks manually and one at a time. The PC maintenance checklist is very good; I think I will print a version of it for my office. I’ll make time to see all of the videos in the coming days. It’s part of my responsibility to be informed about these things. I should be a good example, it wouldn’t be too good if the technology coordinator is careless and has a messy PC.

Was there any information that surprised me?

I wasn’t really surprised, but I was happy to learn about new tools and tips that I can use.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RSS Reader Reflections

I've known about RSS feed for a while, but never really used them as a personal tool. You might say I was more interested on how they worked and how I could incorporate them on a webpage. It's now been a couple of weeks since I have my Google Reader account, and it's showed me how practical having a tool like this can be. I’m currently managing 11 RSS feeds, and to be honest I wouldn’t add many more. The amount of updates that I receive is just enough to provide me with new information every day.

I chose Google Reader because I can use my same Google account. And I can also share the things I like in Google Buzz, that way my friends can comment on them. I’m not very convinced about having to make bundles, but hey nothing is perfect, ha!

The feeds that I added to the original list were:

1. Computer Science Teacher Association and CSTA Alerts Feeds: I’m really happy with both of these additions. I visited the webpage quite often, but now the updates come to me. I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner…

2. The Eduteka Feed: This is probably the best resource in Latin America when it comes to technology integrations. I was very fortunate to meet two of the people in charge of this project. They have been part of my PLN from the start.

3. The Savy Technologist and Dangerously Irrelevant Blog Feeds. I just discovered these two blogs and I’ve enjoyed reading their posts. The articles make me reflect on the use of technology in education.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Getting Things Done Rap

The title of this topic “Getting Things Done” seems to me like a good Rap Song. GTD is good for me, follow the steps and just feel free. No more stress or sleepless nights, with GTD I do alright!

I’ve always been a very busy person. There are times when I have so many different tasks to do. So when I read this phrase: “It is possible for a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control”. I got excited...

How did you organize your process? I stopped relying on my memory or head a long time ago. I now mostly rely on my Google Apps. I have my email and calendar synchronized to my BlackBerry. Almost everything is on my calendar or inbox. I also use the labeling system a lot, that way I know what is new, important, from which person or school, subject, department, etc. My labels would be similar to having different inboxes. I’m thinking of adding some other labels to improve my collection of things to do. I think I wasn’t that lost regarding the second step or process part, I guess I’ve already had some training on that, ha! I really liked the third step, I’m still meditating on which would be the best tool for organizing my 5 buckets… I think that I need to improve my review process, it’s were I need most improvement. When it comes to “doing” I had never thought of the three types and how there should be a balance. Now that I know, I’m paying more attention to what I usually do.

What was it like for you going through the process the first time? Do you think that this process will help you? Why or why not? It definitely made me think of my daily habits. I’m happy that I wasn’t doing that bad. But there are still many things that I can improve. Now that I started studying again, I’m sure this will help me with the extra tasks in my life.

Do you think you will continue this process? I really liked the process, it’s simple and practical. I will keep the GDT technique in mind from now on.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hear the Social Network Movement

I must confess that it took me a while to open my Facebook account. At first I just didn't see much use in it. I've always considered myself to be a very busy person, constantly planning and developing new projects. Spending my time browsing photos and comments just wasn’t my thing. Then something happened, a very close friend of mine went on a long trip across Europe and decided to upload all his photos on FB. Wanting to see the places he was visiting, I opened my account and in a few hours my list of friends had grown considerably. My life has never been the same after that. I now check my Facebook account twice a day! What started to be just a social tool has become a part of my work and studies.

I’ve had some good experiences this year with using social networks at school. The first one came as a surprise. A few months ago when the Pacaya volcano went very active and everything was covered with ashes and later hurricane Agatha hit Guatemala, this resulted in such chaos for the country that classes had to be suspended for about two weeks. Many of the teachers were able to use Facebook and Twitter to communicate with almost all of our students and advance in their classes. It turned out to be a great tool in case of and emergency, thanks to the popularity of FB and Twitter among middle and high school students! My second good experience with social networks came to be by creating my very first NING network for the Math Department. In this network teachers and students that like Math come together. What started to be something local, then turned into something bigger when we decided to invite other students from Guatemala that like Math into our first virtual Math challenge. I was so excited to see all the students chatting, and posting math problems and solutions in the forums and blogs. I think there are still so many things that you can try with social networks. What makes them so appealing is that you can learn and work by sharing and connecting with others.

One of my plans for the future is to make a social network for all the parents of the seven schools where I work. Sometimes parents are the ones who are more skeptical or have a negative approach about social networking. I wish they could see all the advantages that they could have, and not only be a waste of time like I used to think. As educators we need to set a good example of how to use these tools productively, and also have fun playing Farmville from time to time! I’m sure we will create at the schools many other social networks for different causes. We’ve been doing that without technology for a long time, only now it is easier and you can reach more people without having to worry about the distance or time zone.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

From Traditional Web Pages to Blogs

When I first started studying Computer Science, in the year 2000, I thought that it would be so cool to have my own webpage. I started to build one using the university’s server. It wasn’t as simple as today; you had to know much more about web design to accomplish what you can do now with a click of a button. Blogs weren’t that popular at that time, actually the term had just appeared a year before and not many people knew about it.

So what’s the big difference between a traditional Web page and a Blog?
A Blog differs from a traditional web page because of its dynamic and interactive nature. They are usually maintained by individuals or small groups that write regular entries of what is news to them. They can be commentaries, description of events, or pieces of creative writing. Most entries are displayed in reverse chronological order and allow visitors to leave comments. 

I hope you enjoy reading my new Blog!